. Essential Question of the week: How can we get along with new Friends?
· Vocabulary: problem, friend, escape, grasped, the, rescue
· Concepts of print, identify words, word building
. Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme blending, isolation, segmentation
· Literature Big book/questions/answers
. Verbs, rhymes, identify sight words, picture sort, syllables, nouns
· Writing a sentence & drawing a picture with details
· Sight Words: I, not, can, Just, your, the
· Lesson 17: count 4-6 objects in vertical and horizontal linear configurations and array configurations. Match 6 objects to the numeral 6
· Lesson 18: count 4-6 objects in circular and scattered configurations. Count 6 items out of a larger set. Write numerals 1-6 in order.
· Lesson 19: Count 5-7 linking cubes in linear configurations. Match with numeral 7. Count on fingers from 1-7 and connect to 5 group images
· Lesson 20: Reason about sets of 7 varied objects in circular and scattered configurations. Find a path through the scattered configuration. Write numeral 7. Ask, “How is your seven different from mine?”
· Lesson 21: Compare counts of 8 in linear and array configurations. Match with numeral 8.
Up-Coming Events in September
·19 - Picture Day
· 21 - Vision Screenings; Communion Service, 2:00
· 24 – Open House - Onward Campaign
· 26 - No School; Staff Inservice; Building Committee Meeting, 6:00
· 27 - Mass, 2:00; Cognia Accreditation Presentation in KC