Reading: We set new AR Goals. These can be found in your child's planner and on the top of the reading log.
Essential Question: How do animals adapt to challenges in their habitat?
Math: We are continuing our study of fractions. THANK YOU for your support by sending in snacks to help us do hands-on learning. Items can be sent in any time this week or next.
Religion: Our class is leading Stations of the Cross Tuesday, April 5. Each students will be assigned 1-2 readings. I will send a copy home next week. Please practice with your child several times throughout the week so they feel comfortable reading in front of the school. We will start at 2:30 in the church. Parents/grandparents are welcome to join us!
Science: We are studying animals, habitats, adaptations, etc. the next 2 weeks. We will choose animals at the end of the month. We will do most of the research here at school. Each student will make a tri-fold poster to share with the class about his/her animal.
The science fair projects are due Thursday, April 21st.
You may get the boards at a dollar store, Walmart, etc. (Please wait until we have completed the research portion to start the posters at home. The students should have 2-3 weeks to do this.)
Social Studies: We are finishing up our study of the 7 continents and 4 main oceans. We will test over this at the end of the week or next week.
Our field trip is May 6. I know a couple of you have filled out paperwork to drive. IF you would like to drive for our field trip, we need to get started on paperwork asap for those who haven't. There are several forms to fill out. I sent this home a couple of months ago, but can get you another copy if needed. Please email me if you're interested in driving, and let me know if you have already done the paperwork.
*NO uniform day this Friday w/$1 or item for food bank.
The week before break we enjoyed the play at the Great Plains Theater. We also appreciated Bishop Vincke celebrating mass. In addition, we got to learn about space and the phases of the moon (using Oreos) with the Ike Educators.
The third graders shared their special treasures for show & tell.
FIELD TRIP: Millfest Friday, May 6 in Lindsborg: NEED DRIVERS
BOB battles: TBD
*Friday March 25: Fitness paper due, Fit & Fun Friday; NO UNIFORM w/$1 or item for the food bank; Spelling Test
*April 1: No School: Spiritual Renewal Day
*April 8: Family picnic, no uniform
*WEEK OF April 11th: State Testing-Students may bring a snack
*April 13: Battle of the Books
*April 15 & 18: No School: Good Friday & Easter Monday
*April 21: Science Fair Projects due
*April 22: Fun Night (tentative)
*April 28: Spring Program (wear uniform, at AHS auditorium @ 7
(be there @6:45)
*April 29: Field Day
*May 18: 5th grade promotion mass
*May 24: Last day of school, 1:00 dismissal