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October 15 Third Grade News


Good evening. The days are flying by! Today the kiddos enjoyed an EXTRA RECESS as a reward for filling the marble jar. We've been blessed to have ALL our classmates at school this week. :)

Some students came home with no uniform coupons. They need to keep these in a safe spot and bring them to school when they are ready to use them.

Tomorrow: early dismissal at 1:00 (no after school program)

Thank you for signing up for conferences next Wed. evening and Thursday afternoon/evening. If you haven't signed up, please do so. allows you to change your sign up, but I ask if you would please not change it after Tuesday. If something comes up and you need a different time, PLEASE CALL THE SCHOOL so I'm aware of the change. I don't want anyone to be waiting on zoom for me because I'm unaware of a time change.



WED. PJ DAY (students will enjoy a movie and pj day for meeting the trash bag goal!)

WED. eve/Thursday afternoon evening: Parent Teacher Conferences via ZOOM

Thursday and Friday: NO SCHOOL

Here's our class zoom link for reference:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 731 3327 9881

Passcode: third

-Mrs. Wilson

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