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Sept. 16 Third Grade News


**Last call for online book orders-please get those in today.

*TRASH BAG orders (forms AND $$ due TOMORROW!) Thanks for helping with this important fundraiser for our school!

We had another GREAT week. We are SO CLOSE to filling the marble jar-and earning a class reward. I'm so proud of the kids' hard work and great effort with completing math homework and reading logs and turning them in!

Here's a recap of our week:

Language Arts:

Spelling Test tomorrow.

Essential Question: How do people from different cultures contribute to a community?

AR Goal: 3 points by October 15. If your child has already met that, we set a new goal so he/she is challenged. ;)


We continued skip counting by 2's and 3's and added counting by (multiplying by) 4's. We made 2's and 3's multiplication flash cards last week. These are to be kept in our backpacks at all times. We can practice these at school, after school, and home. Once we master our 2's and 3's, we can move on! We also did division story problems. We'll finish this math chapter next week, take a test and start a new chapter.


We started a plant unit! The kids are excited. So far we've learned about roots, stems, and leaves and what each parts job is. We're going to learn about cones and seeds. We're looking forward to some hands-on projects coming up. Stay posted for an email telling how you can help!


We hung up our creation pictures in the hallway. We learned about prophets and parables. We also learned about the 2 books in the bible: the Old and New Testament. We learned about angels, original sin, free will, baptism and grace!

We are reviewing the 4 reasons God made us (quiz Friday!)

God made us:

  1. to know Him

  2. to love Him

  3. to serve Him

  4. to spend eternity with Him in Heaven

We also did a FRIENDZY lesson with 5th grade this week. (Ask your child about this activity and see pictures below.) We're finishing up this chapter about building each other up and remembering that we all need each other.

Safety: We finished up our safety unit. We discussed name, friendship, and the weapons and threats lures, and reviewed online safety. Thank you for reading through the e-safety pact with your child. Look for a tip sheet of how to keep your child(ren) safe.

Social Studies: We are looking forward to some fun (STEM) Constitution Day activities tomorrow afternoon. Look for pictures next week!

Great job sharing Star Student, Weston R.! We all enjoyed a frozen treat last Friday, thanks to Home & School!

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