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Sept. 22 Third Grade News

*HOORAY!!!* The third graders filled the marble jar! They voted for free ipad time for their reward. We'll do this tomorrow afternoon.

Friday: spelling test & sack lunch day (bring one or order from the school)

Saturday: Open House 6-7:30; Adults only: Please join us to learn more about our school addition!

Book orders were submitted this week, and should come in about 2 weeks. If you ever order a book as a gift for your child, please let me know and I'll email you when they come in. We'll do several book orders throughout the year. I try to avoid November as that's when we have our school book fair.

Reading: Essential Question this week: How do people from different cultures contribute to their community?

Thank you for helping your child to read 1 hour each week and turn in reading logs every Tuesday. This is for a homework grade. AR reports were sent home last night. Thank you for signing and returning these. This helps keep you informed of your child's progress toward his/her AR goal. Last day to take AR tests for the first quarter is Friday, October 14. Several students have already met their goals and many are well on their way.

Religion: We'll have a quiz on the 4 reasons God created us: to know Him, to love Him, to serve Him, to live with Him in heaven forever. We're also learning about the prophets, parables, and the Old and New Testaments in the bible In addition, we are also discussing original sin, baptism and grace. Several students had mass reading this week. Thank you for helping your child practice these readings at home, they did great!

Science: We're studying plants. Last week we learned about leaves, stems and roots and what their jobs are. This week we're learning about flowers, cones and fruit. We're excited to do our fruit study later today! Thank you for helping send in fruit for this project!

Safety: We wrapped up our Think First & Stay Safe program this week.

Social Studies: We're continuing to talk about our community.

Spelling: Students are doing a great job on spelling tests! Thanks for your help studying at home!

Math: The third graders did awesome on our first math test. We have a few lessons to go and will wrap up this chapter next week. You can help your child with basic addition and subtraction facts at home, as well as practicing time to the hour and half hour and reviewing $.

**If you want to help drive for school field trips this year, please email me. There is paperwork that needs filled out. Thank you!


We learned about Diwali in reading and this group shared what they learned with the class.

Crayton was last week's star student.

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