Students and staff prayed a Living Rosary this week since
October is the month of the Holy Rosary.
Week of October 21 - 25
Monday –
Tuesday – School Mass, 2:00 p.m.; Parish Ham Loaf Dinner
Wednesday – Preschool to Pumpkin Patch, 9:00 a.m.; School Mass, 2:00 p.m.; Choir 2:45 – 3:15; No Bus Service
Thursday – No School, Conferences 12:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Friday – No School
Next Week Lunch Menu-
Monday - Barbecue Riblet, Baked Potato, Corn, Grapes, Milk
Tuesday - Sloppy Joe, Sweet Potato Fries, Celery & Pepper Sticks, Applesauce, Milk
Wednesday - Chicken Breast, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Roll, Carrots, Fruit & Milk
Thursday - No School
Friday - No School

Live Literature - thanks to good sports, Mrs. Anguiano, Mrs. Steward, and Miss Humphrey for helping Principal Whitehair bring the Three Little Pigs to life today!
Other Notes -
School masses next week are on Tuesday and Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. All are welcome to join us. Collections from School Masses in October go to the Ronald McDonald House Charities.
The Ladies of St. Andrew's Annual Ham Loaf Dinner is Tuesday evening - drive through only between 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Hope you are able to enjoy this DELICIOUS meal!
There is no bus service on Wednesday next week due to early dismissal for the public school. We have a full day on Wednesday, including after school care, but no school on Thursday and Friday.

Our annual Veteran's Day activities are coming up on November 12. A Separate e-mail was sent with details. Sign up veterans for thank you letters using this link:

K, 1 & 2 Pumpkin Patch trip is Tuesday, October 29. Let us know if you are able to help drive that day.
We will be going to Sunnyside Pumpkin Patch in Assaria. We leave at 12:00 noon and will return between 3:00 - 3:30.
We are looking for individuals, groups, or businesses to sponsor trunks at our Trunk or Treat event. Please contact Principal Whitehair if you would like to host a trunk. THANK YOU!!
Conference Sign-up Links-
Parents - please click on the link(s) below to sign up for your child's conference. Conferences are Thursday, October 24 from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Preschool, Mrs. Hunter -
Preschool, Ms. Kohman -
Preschool, Mrs. Whitehair -
Kindergarten, Ms. Stoneberger -
Grade 1, Miss Humphrey -
Grade 2, Mrs. Brantley -
Grade 3, Mrs. Wilson -
Grade 4, Mrs. Randles -
Grade 5, Mrs. Anguiano -
Calendar Items-
23 – Preschool Field Trip to Pumpkin Patch
24 – No School, Conferences, 12:00 – 8:00 p.m.
25 – No School
29 - Pumpkin Patch Trip for Grades K, 1, & 2
31 – Halloween Tiger Day, Trunk or Treat
1 – Book Fair Opens; Holy Day – Mass at 2:00 p.m.; Middle School Helpers Here to Rake Leaves in Afternoon
2 – Home & School Fall Festival 6:00 p.m.
4 – Auction Meeting, Picture Retakes
5 – Hearing Checks
6 – SIT, 2:30
8 – No School, Diocesan Inservice
12 – Veteran’s Day Activities; School Council Meeting
13 – Dr. Compagnone & Mr. Andrews here for ELEOTS
14 – Body Venture; Little Ike Storytime
18 – Hearing Rechecks; ITBS Week
26 – St. Andrew Feast Day & Thanksgiving Celebration; Mass, 10:30 a.m.
27 – 29 No School, Thanksgiving Break
Other important dates for this semester to get on your calendar-
December 12 – Christmas Program
December 18 – Pre-K Christmas Programs
RUBY JUBILEE is set for Saturday, March 1, 2025!
It is the 40th anniversary for our annual charity auction!
We had our first Steering Committee Meeting this week. Watch for important information coming soon about the many ways you can help.
PLANNING MEETING for all committee chairs and anyone interested in helping with planning - Monday, November 4, 6:30 p.m. in the school gym
LIVE AUCTION chairperson is needed for the auction. Contact Principal Whitehair if you'd like to share your time and talents for this.
God bless your family with a GREAT weekend!
Principal Whitehair