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The month of April... went by SO fast!!!

Mrs. Hunter

and then came May!!!

We celebrated Rush's birthday this month,

he turned 4 :)


We finished learning about ALL of the letters in the alphabet!

S is for Sofia, T is for Taylor.

We have studied the short sound of U like in umbrella. We learned that V is for vegetables (and we introduced the concept of Vowels!!!), W is for water and X is for xylophone :) This week, we learned that Y is for yellow and Z is for zebra! We have been working so hard on recognizing our letters and their sounds. We are trying to READ some two to three letter words using the sounds that we have learned!!! Mrs Hunter and Mrs Simenson are SUPER PROUD of us :)

In math, we have been working on counting, recognizing the numbers, and writing them. We have also been working on patterns.

In science, we have been learning about plants. In our small group, we actually planted 3 types of seeds: sunflowers, beans and peas. We observed their germination and took care of them over the course of 3 weeks.

We also learned about the importance of water in our lives. We had fun building some functional pipe systems in STEM and we got to play with water!... Look at our team work!!!

With spring time and renewal of life, we have talked about bunnies. We went to visit Reeses in the 2nd grade classroom, where Mrs Woods talked to us about her special pet!

Another bunny... the Easter bunny... stopped by... and dropped some eggs for us on the playground!!!

In art, we have explored different techniques of painting. We have used forks, paper towel rolls, and our hands, to make beautiful projects for Easter and for Mother's day :) We also dyed some eggs to place in our Easter baskets, and that was so much fun!!!

And in the center of all this, our purpose and focus, there is Jesus :) We have been talking about how He came for us, how He gave up His Life and resurrected for us. The beauty of His Love is showing everywhere. This week we walked into the Church and listened to God's peace while admiring His beautiful house. Every day, we also appreciate His gifts, in our children, so unique and precious. Paisley was baptized this month, and that is a wonderful news :)

Next week will be our last week of school!!!

On Monday the 16th, we will be going on our field trip to the Greymeadows Alpaca Farm in Solomon. We will not need backpacks, but please remember to bring a water bottle. If you are not planning on driving your child, please make sure to send their car seat, labeled with their name. Thank you in advance to all who volunteered to come and help! It is going to be fun!!! Also, there will be a small gift shop on site, in case anyone would want to get a little souvenir :)

On Friday the 20th, we will have our end of the year program, at 9am in the school gym. Again no backpack needed on that day. The children will be dismissed right after the program, around 10am!

Looking forward to an amazing last week :)

Mrs Aline Hunter

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