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Third Grade News

What we've learned this week:

Language Arts:

-Started reading logs-due Tuesday (60 minutes read total)

-Essential Question: What can stories teach you?

-Complete sentences: capital letter, subject, verb, punctuation mark and it has to make sense

-Statements and questions


-multiplication & division

-arrays (organized pictures)

-Commutative property of multiplication

-skip counting

*Students should know their + and - facts (1-20). This is something you can practice at home. This will make multiplication and division a lot easier!

*Please take a look at the parent hand outs that come home in the take-home folder: about one per week, that explain how your child is learning the math strategies.


-The holy trinity (3 persons in 1 God: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit)

-Our Father

-Prayer is talking and listening to God.

-Friendzy lesson about building each other up and not tearing each other down with kind words and actions

-Continued discussion about being the best versions of ourselves

Social Studies:

-Our community

-We made a class constitution and signed it.

Think First & Stay Safe:

We reviewed the following topics/lessons:

-Our brain is our built-in computer that helps keeps us healthy and safe.

-People are like the weather: most are sunny but some can turn stormy.

-We need to listen to our instincts: all secrets can be told.

- Laws help protects us: kids have rights too!

-Choosing safe strangers in an emergency situation(a mom w/kids, someone in a uniform, etc.)


We have the opportunity to attend Ag Day on Tuesday, September 7. We will be walking to the fairgrounds. Please look for a permission form coming home in your child's planner next Monday. Please sign and return by Wednesday. Times and more info are on the form.

We observed Whitney's caterpillars on Thursday. Thanks for sharing!

Looking Ahead:

Sept. 6: Labor Day, no school

Sept. 7: Ag Day walking field trip

Sept. 8: Battle of the Books meeting 3-4

Sept. 10: Grandparent's Day lunch

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