We have had another fun and busy week in third grade! Happy Birthday to Brooklyn, Joshua and Wyatt! We are in need of about 6 rolls of paper towels to get us through to the end of the year. Please send one in if you can help us with this.
Weekly reminders:
Thursday: Home & School Meeting @ 6:30 in the school gym.
Friday: Race for Ed @ 1:00 at the track. (Watch for an email from Mrs. Whitehair with backup plans in case the weather doesn't cooperate.) Please meet us there for an afternoon of exercise and fun if you are able! Students should wear new t-shirts, and comfortable bottoms of their choice, tennis shoes and bring water bottles. I also encouraged them to put on sunscreen at home if needed.
*Spelling Test
Looking Ahead: NEXT WEEK
April 19-22: State Testing: Please ensure your child gets plenty of rest, a healthy breakfast and students may bring a healthy snack each day.
We have some donated snacks in case the kiddos forget to bring one.
*No math homework so the kiddos can concentrate on science projects.
April 23: NO SCHOOL: Teacher Workday
Science Animal Projects are due Tuesday, April 27.
April 29: Spring Music Program at the High School Auditorium. Students arrive at 6:45; program begins at 7p.m.
