Hello! My name is Sharon Wilson and I'm excited to be your child's teacher this year! This will be 9th year teaching 3rd grade. I love teaching at St. Andrew's because I get to share and deepen my faith. I love that we can pray daily and have the opportunity for school mass. I really enjoy this age and am looking forward to a great year. I am married to my husband, Lucas. We have 3 kids: Braden who is a junior in high school, Josie and Jade who are in 6th grade. We have a dog, Bill and 5 farm cats.
Open communication is important to me! I will try to post here bi-weekly, if not weekly. Mrs. Whitehair usually does a school-wide weekly post with important dates. Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns. I am able to take phone calls during my plan time (8:10-8:45) daily or from 2:45-3:30.
A few notes:
Water Bottles:
Please send a spare water bottle for your child to keep at school. Also, please send a full water bottle to school with your child each morning. They are able to fill them at school, but we leave the room for PE right away, so it's helpful to have it ready to go when they come in the morning.
Field Trips:
I know it's really early to be thinking about field trips, but we have a new process that takes some time. If you're interested, please contact Mrs. Herrman, Mrs. Whitehair or myself so we can help you get started.
Third graders will usually have math homework M-Th. Sometimes they will finish it during class. It should NOT take more than 10 minutes to complete. I only ask for them to work for 10-15 minutes tops, then bring back what they completed. If your child attends after-school, they should finish the homework there.
They will also have reading logs (we won't start this next week) where they need to read 60 minutes per week. Spelling words (will start the week after next) will be written in planners and we'll test Fridays.
These are new to third graders. We will write in them daily beginning Monday. Anything that needs to be completed as homework will be CIRCLED. Please sign/initial your child's planner daily. This is also a good way to communicate with me.
We sure enjoyed the first 2 days of school. They went fast! We enjoyed Father Peter visiting our classroom and blessing us and the room on Thursday.