We LOVED watching the icicles melt outside our window!

T is for a TOWER made with TEAMWORK!!
Next Week-
Monday - Continue with Letter Tt
Tuesday - Introduce Uu
Wednesday - Continue with Letter Uu
Thursday - Continue with Letter Uu
Friday - Continue with Letter Uu, Show and Tell for Letter Uu; Pajama and Pizza Party
Important Notes -
Mark your calendars!! The auction has been moved to July 24. THANK YOU to those who have given cash donations or items. We will continue solicitations and hope to have them done by spring break.
Special All School Auction Project - "I SPY" Table. Each child is bringing home a baggie with instructions for returning an item for this project. Please read the note and help your child return an item to his/her teacher. THANKS!
Enrollment for new Catholic students and returning students is the week of March 1 – 5. Enrollment opens to the public the week of March 8 – 11.
We are updating our alumni database. Your help sending our survey to alumni would be appreciated. THANKS!
Auction News -
THANK YOU!! Thank you for the AWESOME help with raffle sales this year. The students set a NEW RECORD, selling over 20,000 tickets!! We are so proud of them and thank all of you who supported the raffle!! The raffle sales party is being scheduled in March. Congratulations to PRESCHOOL for winning the class pizza/pajama party!!
Overall Raffle Sales WInners - Kyson, Tessa, Ellie Britt and Mason Woods (1st place); Cayne and Crayton Taylor (2nd place); William Finke (3rd place) CONGRATULATIONS!!
Raffle Prize winners were: Ellen Whitehair – Griddle, Meat, and Groceries; Suzanne Hoekman – Outdoor Furniture; DeDe Lorson - $1000 SCRIP Cards.
Thank you to all who bid on class projects and Ms. Buller’s afghan. We are grateful for your support!!
1 – 5 Enrollment for Returning Students and New Catholic Families
3 – Dr. Seuss Day
5 – Sack Lunch Day, No Uniform Day, Dismiss 1:00 p.m.
8 – 11 Enrollment Opens to the Public
9 – School Council Meeting, 5:30 p.m.
10 & 11 – Parent Teacher Conferences
11 & 12 – No School
15 – 19 No School, Spring Break
23 – VBRD Family Night, 6:30 – 7:00 p.m.
26 – Fit & Fun Friday

Watch for a brown paper bag coming home during your child's letter week. Please help your child fill the bag with four or five things that will help us learn more about him/her!
We are continuing our study of the alphabet - especially the sounds of each letter. We will also introduce correct formation of each letter. Each Friday is show and tell for the letter of the week. Your child may bring something that starts with the sound of our letter of the week.
God bless your family with a GREAT weekend!