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D is for Dinosaurs!

Mrs. J. Whitehair

We had a dynamic two weeks learning about dinosaurs and studying letter D! We made a long list of letter D words and enjoyed learning about all the kinds of dinosaurs-those on land, in the air and in the sea. In math we worked on recognizing and counting to three. We did several sorting/categorizing activities.

In science, we made dinosaur skeletons out of toothpicks and mini marshmallows, and we had some super creative skeletons built!

In religion, we discussed creation- how God created the world and all the different things and people he made.

In handwriting we worked on the letter D by making a tactile letter D out of diamonds and by tracing it on the chalkboard, in playdough and finally writing it in our handwriting book. We continue to work on our name writing as well.

In centers we worked on recognizing our letters we've learned by taking a dinosaur walk to them. We also played a fun dinosaur board game and did some dinosaur matching and counting.

Plus we celebrated Reese's Birthday!!

P is for Pumpkins!

We enjoyed all things pumpkin and ended the week with our field trip at the pumpkin patch! We talked a lot about the sequence and process of how a pumpkin grows from seed to mature pumpkin. We also worked on letter P and had fun with pumpkin puzzels! Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Stroda for welcoming us and teaching us about pumpkins!! We ended our day with a visit from the Abilene Fire Department where we learned about saftey! Thank you to them for all the information and taking the time to speak to us!

H is for Halloween!

We began letter H this week and will finish it up next week with Halloween on Monday! It was fun making letter H puzzels, our list of letter H words and doing Halloween activities all week. We worked on taking care of the environment and being good stewards of the animals and plants that God has given us in religion. We did continued practice in math on patterning as well as sorting a group multiple ways. We worked on letter recognition in literacy center and played letter bingo. We got a new puppet center for a free play center!!! They really liked carving a Jack-O-Lantern today and taking the seeds and pulp out of the pumpkin! We also had a fire drill today where we practiced going through the window in our room! It was quite the fun experience :) We then did a scholastic news on fire saftey and the Fire Department provided us with treat bags (coming home in the backpack tonight.) We enjoyed lunch outside because of the lovely weather.

**Monday, we will have our parade in the morning to show the rest of the school our costumes. You can send your child in costume but please send extra clothes so they can change and be comfortable the rest of the day if they wish. Please send show and tell with your child on Monday. We didn't get to it today due to the fire drill. We will have our party beginning at 10:30 and then the afternoon class with attend the Trunk or Treat event in our parking lot with Ms. Kelly. They will bring home lots of candy ---just a heads up! ;)

Thank you all for coming to conferences! Your support is so wonderful and I'm thankful for all the communication! Thank you also for the outpouring of snacks!!

Here are some upcoming events to get on your calendar:

Monday: Halloween- kids come in costume, bring extra clothes in backpack

Nov.3 Home and School Meeting

Nov. 4 Family Sack Lunch Day (Please use sign up online if you need lunch from Becky)

Nov. 7 Picture Retake Day

Nov. 9 Vetran's Day activities (more info. to come)

Nov. 11 NO SCHOOL- Inservice

Nov. 12 Fall Festival (more info. to come)

Nov. 22 Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner (You're invited!)

Nov. 23-25 No SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Break)

Nov. 30 St. Andrew Feast Day

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