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Colors Week 2

Mrs. J. Whitehair

We had another busy week with colors! Up this week: purple and pink, black and brown, gray and white. I wasn't very good at getting class photos this week with colors of the day but we did enjoy exploration activities all week. On purple day we mixed blue, red and white and made dark purple- we painted with grapes!! We did a lot of sorting this week as well . . . categorizing pictures, buttons, and cubes to name a few. We discussed more than, less than and even equal to! (Big kid stuff!) Ask your child about the watercolor rainbows we made today and the gummy bear color counting/sorting activity we did this morning. We also did various art activities markers and experimenting with what happens when we spray water on marker colors (they run together forming a beautiful tye-dye effect. We also worked on some cutting skills with shapes and picture sorting this week. We still have some work to do on cutting but I'm happy to report everyone is holding their scissors correctly and cutting away from themselves. (This is a big deal for us! :)

In religion we talked about how God made us all special and unique and we all have our own talents. We talk differently and look different and God designed us this way so we can all celebrate our unique characteristics that make us SPECIAL! We learned a new song "Special Me," ask your child if they can remember any of it to sing to you. If not, don't worry you'll probably hear it soon enough as it's one of my all time favorite songs and we will be singing it often.

We only had one birthday this week . . . Delaney turned five this week! What a fun celebration with rainbow unicorn cupcakes :) Thanks parents.

We read many books including "Norah's Ark", "Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?" The "Usborne Book of Colors" "The Color Mixing Book" and many more! We are getting better about sitting and listening to stories as well as taking turns and we continue to work on being respectful when another friend is sharing. This is something we will work on our morning circle time and every Friday at Show and Tell.

We really enjoyed Grandparents Lunch today and for those of you who didn't have a grandparent come eat, your child ate with me and Mrs. Mueli! We made cards for all the grandparents so if your child didn't have a grandparent attend, maybe you could mail the card your child brings home to them. Please also thank Home and School organization for providing an ice cream treat for every student. This was so sweet and a fun treat on a hot day!

A note went home on Child Lures in the folders today from Mrs. Whitehair explaining a little about it. Please e-mail her or me if you have questions about it. Thank you.

Speaking of the folders, please make sure to check your kiddos folder each day and celebrate with them all the hard work they are putting in at school! They are working hard and love to show you their accomplishments. I have had a few friends not bringing back folders and it's very difficult for me and Mrs. Mueli both when we do not have the folder to send important things (such as picture packets) or precious artwork we don't want to get smashed. Thank you all for your cooperation in getting the folders back in the backpacks each day! We appreciate it greatly! :)

Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you all get some rest and relaxation!

-Mrs. Whitehair

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