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E Elephants and Eggs/D is for Dinosaurs

Mrs. J. Whitehair

Two weeks ago we studied all about elephants and eggs and letter E. I'm very impressed how well the preschoolers are picking up the handwriting! They were able to make the letter E very well! We made letter E with playdough and painted it and then for tactile fun we made one in eggshells! (watch out for those in the folders . . . sorry for any mess!) ;) We watched several quick clips on youtube about elephants, how they communicate, how they live, what they eat and some neat ones on how elephants like piano music. We discussed small, medium and large with eggs and tried some fun science on Friday (although our sucking an egg into a bottle experiment was unsuccessful, it was still interesting.) We did however, figure out how to balance an egg with a little salt! We had a fun balancing elephant building center and of course made some fried eggs in a pan. :)

We did our first Eureka math lesson from our math series on finding two objects that are exactly the same. This week we continued that with discussing two objects that are the same in one way but different in another way.

It was fun to have pictures on this past Wednesday, they all looked so adorable! We also had our first rainy day which equals inside recess. Please be extra patient with your child when they get home after school on inside recess days. . . it's hard on all of us to be inside (but especially on them!) They need to be outside and move their bodies and get fresh air. We do our best to provide extra movement opportunities on inside recess days but don't be surprised if they're a little extra wiggly when they get to you because inside is just not the same.

We've been busy this week studying dinosaurs and letter D. We worked on categorizing who lives on land, in the air and in the sea. We also built dinosaur skeletons with marsh-mellows and small straws in our science center on Friday! We began a dinosaur book but are not quite finished with it so that will be coming home this week. We also did a dinosaur sequencing strip where we had to put the pictures in order of what comes first, second, third etc. when drawing a dinosaur. They had fun with this! These came home on Thursday. We had dinosaur puzzels that Mrs. Simenson helped cut out and even made some D's in the sand center. I can't forget the fun art making some dinosaurs out of letter D, and then Friday making a glitter dino in art (these will stay in the classroom awhile.) We had a lot of fun reading all our dinosaur books and some of the names the kids had to help me with! Finally, we talked about herbivores and carnivores and all the neat dinosaur features that made them unique. They are so fascinating!

We had three birthdays since I've written a newsletter-Madison and Mason last Monday and Charlie last Tuesday. Fun Fun!

We continue to work on self-control and we've particularly been working on using kind words and sharing. We've had some trouble sharing this week so I would ask that you help me by reinforcing this at home.

In religion we talked about the creation story as well as being empathetic with our friends. We also did a circle outside last week for a fun change of pace. That was nice with the weather.

Thank you so much to all the parents and grandparents who donated the social/emotional books from our wishlist. We have started reading them already!

Thank you to all who were able to come to our Parent Sack Lunch Day on Friday! It was beautiful weather and it was so nice to see you all. :)

Please continue to let me know about the pumpkin patch field trip if you think you can not go. I will be in touch if we need more drivers! So far I have one parent driver and myself. If you are willing to help drive, please e-mail me. The paperwork will have to be completed before hand on the driver's part, so that's why I'm trying to get a head count.

This week we'll begin on letter B for bugs and bears! Have a great week!

-Mrs. Whitehair

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