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H is for Halloween & R is for Rain/Rainbows

Mrs. J. Whitehair

We really enjoyed the last two weeks of fun working on letters H (for Halloween) and R (for rain/rainbows.)

Everyone was so cute in their costumes! I have included a class picture for you to enjoy.

Letter H week was filled with lots of H activities including cutting and making a letter H puzzle, making a Halloween book, playing a letter H memory game, and painting pumpkins! They made a very long letter H list!! They worked hard on a color by shape page as well. We're just introducing our shapes! Of course we had to do some pumpkin science and see what all was inside that big pumpkin. Several of our friends did not want to touch the seeds because they were "slimy." We enjoyed trying some pumpkin seeds (from the store.) On Friday we went on a ghoulee hunt around the classroom with partners and then graphed who had the most spiders, jack-o-lanterns, skeletons, etc. and discussed greater than, less than and equals. We enjoyed our Halloween party and want to Thank all the parents who donated snacks and drinks, plates and napkins and games and those who came to the party. Our class also got to go to the Trunk or Treat in the parking lot- if you saw they had a lot of candy in their backpack when they got home-that's where it came from ;)

This week studying letter R we have done a lot of process art with rainbows, and rain including dot coloring a rainbow and glittering the clouds, raindrops (dropping rain onto umbrellas, puffy shaving cram clouds and melting blue crayon shavings to make irredesant raindrops for our classroom. These came out so pretty! If it looks like there hasn't been much sent home in the mailbox last week it's because we've been doing a ton of hands on art and science and I've been hanging it up in the classroom! It will eventually make it's way home. We did several Eureka math lessons, and talked about All Saints Day in religion. We will continue reading several saint stories throughout this week. We continue to enjoy our "Arky" song from last week when we read about Noah's Ark and they love the actions so we have been singing it daily! :) Thank you for coming last week to eat lunch with your preschooler for our Sack Lunch Day!! They had so much fun having you here!

A couple of reminders:

*Show and Tell for letter N Thursday (tomorrow)

*No School Friday

*Vetrans Day Thursday (check Principal Whitehair's newsletter on the school website for info. on what all is happening that day) We will be having a vetran briefly stop by our room (for a few minutes) so we can hear briefly to speak to us and tell him Thank You. Our class has a brief spot in the video Mrs. McWilliams will be putting together. Check it out as soon as it's on the website :)

Thank You so much for sending clorox wipes!! We are so thankful and can still use more if you're wanting to send some and haven't had a chance to get to the store. I appreciate all you do! Have a wonderful week!

-Mrs. Whitehair

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