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Letter Z is for Zebra, Letter I is for Insect (2 weeks ago)

Mrs. J. Whitehair

We studied letter Z for Zebra two weeks ago and enjoyed a lot of books on zoo animals as well as some zoo math. We continued to monitor our bean seeds in our science journal and in addition planted some corn seeds (two different kinds'.) We did a whole unit on corn on the cob and did some observations with our senses. We recorded the similarities and differences in Indian corn and field corn. We have been faithfully watering our corn seeds and are excited each day to see if there's growth! We did some handwriting in a different way this week making the zebra's stripes out of letter Zs. We made a zebra puppet and We had a visit from the CMS band which was great! Friday evening I enjoyed seeing several of you at Family Fun Night!

Letter I is for Insect and Ice Cream! We learned a lot about insects this week including several kinds of life cycles, the many types of beetles and the main body parts of an insect. We worked on counting by 10's in math centers and in matching lady bug dots to the corresponding numeral. We enjoyed insect centers including one with digging for bugs. We categorized insects into small, medium and large. We observed some bugs outside at recess! We read a LOT of insect books!! We talked about both the short and long sound of letter I. I forgot my ice cream so they will get to have it on their field trip ;) We also enjoyed Field Day on Friday. A huge thank you to Mrs. Mueli for all her help executing a successful afternoon with that! Oh yes, and we enjoyed some fun water play in our STEM center-including engineering a raft for a person to stay afloat! Who's that red head with the K-state shirt in a few of the pictures you wonder? That's my son Grant, they got to meet him this week! He's in Kindergarten at Enterprise and came to visit the day they had K round up. They all had a nice time playing together and were very welcoming to him. :) You all have wonderful and friendly children!

-Mrs. Whitehair

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